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<<< Introduction to the Archive                                                         |                                                      Published and Unpublished Works  

Section 2.  O’Hear:  Published and Unpublished Works

2.1  Books


2.1a  Book Authored by Ann O’Hear: Power Relations in Nigeria: Ilorin Slaves and Their Successors. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 1997.  Digitised book 

2.1a(ii)  Reviews of O’Hear, Power Relations in Nigeria: Ilorin Slaves and Their Successors

2.1b  Book Edited by Ann O’Hear: Letters from Nigeria, 1899‒1900: David Wynford Carnegie. Madison: African Program University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1992. Edited, with new introduction, notes, appendix, and index


2.1b(i) Cover note: includes details of original 1902 printing and introduces the two files of          extracts from the book  [MsWord] 


2.1b(ii) Transcript of extracts from O’Hear, “Introduction to the New Edition” [MsWord]  

2.2  O’Hear: Published Chapters and Articles on Slavery/Related Topics (chronological order beginning with the most recent)


2.2a “Oriki and the History of Slavery in Ilorin, Nigeria..” In African Slaves, African Masters: Politics, Memories, Social Life, ed. Alice Bellagamba, Sandra Greene, and Martin Klein, 153-174. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (Tubman Series), 2017. 


2.2a(i) Bibliography of  Source Materials for “Oriki and the History of Slavery in Ilorin, Nigeria.” List of hard-to-find works on oriki used in the preparation of this chapter, including rare published oriki (alphabetical order by author) [MsWord] 


2.2a(ii) Comments on the chapter by Karin Barber. [MsWord]  
2.2a(iii) Summary [MsWord] 

2.2b “Elite Slaves in Ilorin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.” International Journal of African Historical Studies, vol. 39, no. 2 (2006): 247‒273.


2.2b(i) Summary of Ann O’Hear, “Elite Slaves in Ilorin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” International Journal of African Historical Studies, vol. 39, no. 2 (2006): 247-273.


2.2b(ii) Corrections to printed article, “Elite Slaves in Ilorin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries”  [MsWord]  


2.2b(iii) Summary of Ann O’Hear, “Oriki and the History of Slavery in Ilorin, Nigeria,” in African Slaves, African Masters: Politics, Memories, Social Life, ed. Alice Bellagamba, Sandra Greene, and Martin Klein, 153-174. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press (Tubman Series), 2017

2.2c “The History of the Okun Yoruba: Research Directions,” in Yoruba Identity and Power Politics, ed. Toyin Falola and Ann Genova, 111‒126. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2006. 


2.2c(i) Short notes on “The History of the Okun Yoruba: Research Directions,” in Yoruba Identity and Power Politics, ed. Toyin Falola and Ann Genova, 111‒126. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2006. And short notes on 2.4c(ii) in this Archive, “The [Okun] Yoruba and the Peoples of the Niger-Benue Confluence” (unpublished). Both contain slavery-related material. [MsWord]


2.2d “The Enslavement of Yoruba.” In The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World, ed. Toyin Falola and Matt D. Childs, 56‒73. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005.


2.2e “Ilorin as a Slaving and Slave-Trading Emirate.In Slavery on the Frontiers of Islam, ed. Paul E. Lovejoy, 55‒68. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener, 2003.

2.2d(i) Short note and summary, Ann O’Hear, “The Enslavement of Yoruba,” in The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World, ed. Toyin Falola and Matt D. Childs, 56-73. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005.

2.2e “Ilorin as a Slaving and Slave-Trading Emirate.” In Slavery on the Frontiers of Islam, ed. Paul E. Lovejoy, 55‒68. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener, 2004


2.2e(i) Summary of Ann O’Hear, “Ilorin as a Slaving and Slave-Trading Emirate,” in Slavery on the Frontiers of Islam, ed. Paul E. Lovejoy, 55-68. Princeton, NJ: Markus Wiener, 2004.



2.2f “Nigeria: Dependency Relationships in the Twentieth Century.” In Nigeria in the Twentieth Century, ed. Toyin Falola, 225‒231. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2002. 


2.2f(i) Short note on Ann O’Hear, “Dependency Relationships in the Twentieth Century,” in Nigeria in the Twentieth Century, ed. Toyin Falola, 225‒231. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2002; and cross-reference to conference version, 2.4b(iv) in this Archive.


2.2g “British Intervention and the Slaves and Peasant Farmers of Ilorin, c. 1890‒c. 1906.” Paideuma, vol. 40 (1994): 129‒148.  


2.2g(i) Summary of “British Intervention and the Slaves and Peasant Farmers of Ilorin, c. 1890‒c. 1906.” Paideuma, vol. 40 (1994): 129‒148.  [MsWord]  



2.2h “Pawning [of persons] in the Emirate of Ilorin.” In Pawnship in Africa, ed. Paul E. Lovejoy and Toyin Falola, 217‒

243. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1994. [Reprinted unchanged in Pawnship, Slavery, and Colonialism in Africa, ed. Paul E. Lovejoy and Toyin Falola. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2003.]


2.2h(i) Summary of “Pawning [of persons] in the Emirate of Ilorin.” In Pawnship in Africa, ed. Paul E. Lovejoy and Toyin Falola, 217‒243. Boulder, CO: Westview, 1994. [MsWord]            



2.2j Summary of “Political and Commercial Clientage in Nineteenth-Century Ilorin.” African Economic History, no. 15 (1986): 69‒83. The summary contains material on elite slaves as baba kekere (intermediaries). 


2.2k Short note on “Agriculture in Ilorin during the Precolonial and Colonial Periods.” Odu (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria), no. 30 (1986): 67‒97, and other sources of information on the topics included.  [MsWord]

2.3  O’Hear: Reviews of Works on Slavery: Summaries

2.3a “Models and Outcomes of the Decline of Slavery,” review of Howard Temperley, ed., After Slavery: Emancipation and Its Discontents, in Journal of African History, vol. 43, no. 1 (2002): 166‒167. [MsWord] 


2.3b Review of Christy Burke, Morality and Mission: Francis Libermann and Slavery (1840‒1850), in African Book Publishing Record, vol. 25, no. 1 (1999): 21. [MsWord] 


2.3c Review of Paul E. Lovejoy and Jan S. Hogendorn, Slow Death for Slavery: The Course of Abolition in Northern Nigeria, 1897‒1936, in African Studies Review, vol. 38, no. 2 (September 1995): 162‒164. [MsWord]  


2.4  O’Hear: Unpublished Works

“The Economic History of Ilorin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Rise and Decline of a Middleman Society.” Ph.D. thesis, Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham, 1983. Contains material on/relevant to Ilorin slavery and Ilorin’s dependent districts (the “Metropolitan Districts,” populated in large part by descendants of slaves). It incorporates a paper titled “Colonial Government Agricultural Policies, Ilorin.” The digitised thesis is available in this Archive, and also at the following addresses:


2.4a(i) Ann O’Hear Ph.D. Thesis


2.4a(ii) Notes Providing References to Material Relevant to Slavery/Dependency in O’Hear  Thesis


2.4b  Selected Conference/Seminar Papers (chronological order, beginning with the most recent)


2.4b(i) “Shifting Projects of Elite Royal Slaves in Ilorin and Divergence between the Projects of Ilorin and Kano Slaves.” Landscapes, Sources, and Intellectual Projects in African History: Symposium in Honour of Paulo Fernando de Moraes Farias, University of Birmingham, Department of African Studies and Anthropology and Centre of West African Studies, 2015. [MsWord]  
2.4b(ii) “Yoruba/Caliphate Society: Proverbs and Praise Poems.” Conference on Tales of Slavery: Narratives of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Enslavement in Africa, University of Toronto, 2009. [MsWord]  


2.4b(iii) “African Sources for the Study of Slavery and Its Aftermath in Ilorin, Nigeria.” African Studies Association Annual Meeting (USA), 2007. [MsWord]  


2.4b(iv) “Nigeria: Dependent Status in the Twentieth Century,” Conference on “Nigeria in the Twentieth Century,” University of Texas at Austin, March 2002.[MsWord] 


2.4b(v) “Slave Roles in 19th-Century Ilorin.” Tubman Seminar on Slavery, York University, Toronto, 1997. [MsWord] 

2.4b(vi) [POSSIBLE ADDITION: ] “Ilorin as a Slaving and Slave-Trading State.” SSRC/UNESCO Summer Institute, “Identifying Enslaved Africans: The ‘Nigerian’ Hinterland and the African Diaspora, York University, Toronto, Canada, July 1997.

2.4c  Other


2.4c(i) With E. B. Bolaji. “Slavery in Ilorin, Nigeria.” Unpublished paper: extended interview with Ilorin informant, with background and commentary   [MsWord]  


2.4c(ii) “The [Okun] Yoruba and the Peoples of the Niger-Benue Confluence.” Written for a work to be titled Yoruba Frontiers, ed. F. Afolayan and T. Falola; no information available on a possible publication date. This version, dating from 2003, contains information on slavery, slave raiding, slaves as tribute, the slave trade, and the escape/return of slaves. [MsWord]  

Section 3: Source Materials: Part 1 Interviews conducted in Ilorin in 1975 by Otolorin Adesiyun as part of a project organised by Professor Paul E. Lovejoy in collaboration with Professor Jan Hogendorn; included are an introduction; the “Oral Data Index” (summary translations); and re-translations of 6 of the Adesiyun interviews organised by Ann O’Hear


Included in the present collection are the following:


3.1  Introductory information  on the interviews conducted in Ilorin in 1975 by Otolorin Adesiyun, including summary translations and re-translations, plus copyright/citation information


3.2 The Oral Data Index: Summary translations made by the interviewer


3.3 Re-translations of the cassette tapes of 6 of the 1975 interviews, organised by Ann O’Hear and made by her research assistants, Suleiman Ajao and Busayo Simeon, in consultation with Ann and with occasional annotations by her


Interviews as listed below:

Re-translation by Suleiman  Ajao, August 1984, of the interview with Alhaji Yahaya Kalu Olabintan, 15 July 1975 (Adesiyun no. 11).

Re-translations by Busayo Simeon, August/September 1989 (with occasional annotations by Ann O’Hear):

Interview with Abdul Karimu [Kareem], 9 July 1975 (Adesiyun no. 1):

Interview with Mustafa Mesuna, 10 July 1975 (Adesiyun no. 2)

Interview with Alfa Sheu, 12 July 1975 (Adesiyun no. 6)

Interview with Abdul Lasisi, 14 July 1975 (Adesiyun no. 8)

Interview with Alfa Salimonu, 14 July 1975 (Adesiyun no. 20)

Section 4: Source Materials Part II: Interviews and Information Gathering Conducted by or on Behalf of Ann O’Hear 1980-1988

4.1 Introduction to Interviews and Information Gathering Conducted  by or on behalf of Ann O’Hear 1980-1988 and Onwards: Text

4.2 Interviews and information gathered 1980-1985

These cover a number of topics related to dependent or other status of members of the population in and around Ilorin.


4.2a(i) Information from Emmanuel Alao, 1980-1981: Background  information


4.2a(ii) Information from  Emmanuel Alao, 1980-1981: Text 

Discusses the history and culture of Oke-oyi, a large, pre-Fulani settlement within the Metropolitan Districts.

4.2b Information from member of an Ilorin  chiefly family, on the village people connected with his family, 1982: Text


4.2c(i) Information from Kayode Abubakar Ibrahim, of Ile Magaji Are, Ilorin, 1982: Background  information


4.2c(ii) Information from Kayode Abubakar Ibrahim, of Ile Magaji Are, Ilorin, 1982: Text 

4.2d(i) Interview with Alhaji Sulu Gambari, Emir of Ilorin: Background information 


4.2d(ii) Letter to Dr. Ibrahim Gambari, 22 October  1982


4.2d(iii) Notes on interview with Alhaji Sulu Gambari, Emir of Ilorin, 8 December  1982


4.2e(i) Interview with Alhaji Yekini A. Okunola, 16 December 1982: Background information 


4.2e(ii) Interview with Alhaji Yekini A. Okunola, 16 December 1982: Text 

4.2f(i)  Interviews in Ago Oja Village, near Ilorin, 1985: Background information 


4.2f(ii) Interviews in Ago Oja Village, near Ilorin, 1985: Text

4.2g Information from a member of a branch of the Ilorin royal family, on the Jimba family: Text 

4.3  Interviews conducted during my research visit to Ilorin, 1988


4.3a General notes on the interviews


4.3b(i) Interview with Nafisatu, Ile Eleke, Ilorin, 7 September 1988: Background  information


4.3b(ii) Interview with Nafisatu, Ile Eleke, Ilorin, 7 September  1988:Extracts from interview

4.3c(i) Interview with Alhaji Imam Idiaro, Ile Ongaari (Oni Gaari), Ilorin, 8 September 1988: Background information 


4.3c(ii) Interview with Alhaji Imam Idiaro, Ile Ongaari (Oni Gaari), Ilorin, 8 September 1988 : Extracts from interview


4.3d Discussion with Alhaji Saka Aleshinloye, Baba Isale of Ilorin, Ile Baba Isale, Ilorin, 9 September 1988: Background information  and notes on discussion

4.3e Interview with Mariama Ajibade, Dyer, Okelele , Ilorin, 10 September 1988: Background information and extracts from/notes on interview

4.3f(i) Interview with Baba Elesin, Ile Asileke, Okelele, Ilorin, 13 September 1988: Background  information


4.3f(ii) Interview with Baba Elesin, Ile Asileke, Okelele, Ilorin, 13 September 1988: Extracts  from interview


4.3g(i) Interview with Baba Magaji of Magaji Village, behind the Kwara State College of Technology compound, 13 September 1988, and Mamadu Alau of the same village: Background  information


4.3g(ii) Interview with Baba Magaji of Magaji Village, behind the Kwara State College of Technology compound, 13 September 1988, and Mamadu Alau of the same village: Text (includes prepared questions; interview with Baba Magaji and Mamadu Alau, 13 September 1988; and brief follow-up interview with the same individuals )

4.3h Interviews with Magaji Yaba, Ile Magaji Yaba, Balogun Fulani Ward, Ilorin, 29 September 1988 and 30 September 1988: Background information and  text

4.3j Interviews  by Suleiman Ajao with Madam Nafisatu, Ile Eleke, Okelele, Ilorin, Alhaji Saka, Ile Alawo, Okelele, Ilorin, late 1988 to early 1989: Background information and text (proverbs)

Section 5: Source Materials Part III: The Dr. E.B. Bolaji Interviews and Information: O’Hear/Bolaji Interview Transcripts (translated into English) and Notes, 1988-1999 to 1991. These consist of several series of interviews and information gathering conducted on my behalf by Dr. E. B. Bolaji and his assistants. They include Series I, 1988‒1989; Series II, 1989‒1990; and Series III, 1991. Questions, words to be defined, etc. provided by Ann O’Hear

5.1 Background information on O’Hear/Bolaji interviews 1988-1991 , Series I, II, and III.

5.2 Text of O’Hear/Bolaji interviews and information 1988-1999 Series I


5.2a Interview with Alhaji Mustapha Magaji Adeyi


5.2b Interview with Alhaji Yusuf Olore 


5.2c Interview with Anonymous Informant 1


5.2d Interview with Anonymous Informant 2


5.2e Interview with Anonymous Informant 3


5.2f Vocabulary definitions; Proverbs with translations 


5.2g Excerpt from letter from Dr. E.B. Bolaji, 15 March  1989


5.3 Text of O’Hear/Bolaji interviews and information 1989-1990, Series II

5.3a Notes on questions for Series II, sent to Dr. E.B. Bolaji in July 1989


5.3b Follow-up interviews from Series I (plantations)


5.3c Interview on Agbeyangi 

5.3d Ajias


5.3d(i) Re slave status : Definition of ajia


5.3d(ii)  Interviews on Ajia Ijesha


5.3d(iii) Interview on Ajia Atikekere


5.3d(iv) Interview on Ajia Ogbonde (Bonde)


5.3d(v) Interview/information on Ajia Opele, Ajia Gaju, and Ajia Ogidiolu


5.3d(vi) Interview on Ajia Sakasaka


5.3d(vii) Interview and information on the Idiape Crisis of 1936: Ajia connection? Elite slaves’ involvement as baba kekere?

5.3e Re slave status: Interviews and information on other titleholders


5.3e(i) Interview on Sarkin Dogari (Dongari)


5.3e(ii) Interview on Balogun Afin


5.3e(iii) Interview on Sarkin Baraje (Baraye, Barade)


5.3e(iv) Interview on Are Ogele


5.3e(v) Interview on Magaji Gari and Galadima Gari

5.3f Excerpt from letter from Dr. Bolaji, 20 April 1990, discussing interviews with Ajias and  the difficulty in translating oriki (praise songs)

5.4 Text of O’Hear/Bolaji interviews and information 1991 Series III

5.4a Follow-up questions  on concubines (from Series I) and Ajia Ijesha (from Series II)

5.4b(i) Notes on numbering and subheadings, extended interviews


5.4b(ii) Extended interview on pawnage,  Ile Alagbede, Okelele, Ilorin


5.4b(iii) Extended interview on pawnage, Ile Asileke, Okelele, Ilorin


5.4b(iv) Extended interview on pawnage, Ile Alawo, Okelele, Ilorin


5.4b(v) Extended interview on pawnage, Ile Alawo, ti Ile Onilu, Okelele, Ilorin


5.4b(vi) Two shorter interviews on pawnage, one with Dr. Bolaji’s mother, the other with his father


5.4b(vii) Excerpt from letter from Dr. Bolaji, 4 September 1991 (including pawnage)


5.4b(viii) Follow-up questions (sent to Dr. Bolaji November 1991) and responses (including pawnage)

Section 6:  Source Materials Part IV: Interviews and Information Gathering Conducted by or on Behalf of Ann O’Hear: Various Informants, 1991-1996


6.1 Anonymous research assistant, 1990-1994: Background information and report  on slavery and its aftermath in dependent villages around Ilorin


6.2 Jimoh/Adetunji research reports, 1994 and 1996


6.2a Background information on Jimoh/Adetunji 1994, 1996 


6.2b Jimoh/Adetunji research questions and reports 1994, 1996, and correspondence


6.2b(i) Jimoh/Adetunji research questions and report  1994


6.2b(ii) Jimoh/Adetunji research questions and report 1996


6.2b(iii) Extracts from correspondence Adetunji/O’Hear


6.3 Anonymous informant, report, written in 1995, on the 1979 elections, including  those in the dependent rural areas around Ilorin, largely populated by descendants of slaves

Section 7: Correspondence and Other Unpublished Materials Related to Slavery in IlorinArea and Related Topics


7.1  Correspondence: Extracts from letters sent by Stefan Reichmuth (Prof. Dr. Reichmuth, Professor of Islamic Studies, Ruhr-Universität-Bochum, Germany), to Ann O’Hear, 1988, 1990, and 1992.


7.2  Correspondence: Extracts from letter from an ex-colonial officer to Ann O’Hear, 1983. Information on the Metropolitan Districts .


7.3 Court Records: Area Court  Grade 1, Afon; Ilorin Upper Area Court; Igbomina S.W. Area Court Grade 1, Ajasse Po; slave land agents, origins of settlements, tribute, land tenure, and slaves on the land.


7.4  Onire Area Community. “Memorandum for the Grading of the Ariyibi of Onire.” 1978.

7.5  Shao Community. “Memorandum to the Chieftaincy Panel by the People of Shao: A Case for the Grading of the Ohoro of Shao.” 1978.

Section 8:  Selected Archival and Related Material Containing Information on Slavery, Its Aftermath and Related Topics

8.1 O’Hear Collection: Extracts transcribed from Nigerian newspapers, late 1970s‒early 1980s.


8.1a Background information  on extracts from Nigerian newspapers, late 1970s-early 1980s


8.1b Extracts  transcribed from newspapers in order of date

8.2  Interior Mission to Yorubaland 1893: Extracts from the Diary of G. B. Haddon-Smith, Political Officer


8.2a Background information 


8.2b Notes on the extracts 

8.3  Nigerian National Archives, Kaduna (NNAK), Nigeria. Selected documents:


8.3a NNAK SNP 15 Acc No. 11, Ilorin  Residents Reports 1900. Transcribed extracts.


8.3b NNAK Ilorinprof 4 814/1912, Land Tenure in Afon District Report by Captain Burnett  1912. Notes.


8.3c NNAK Ilorinprof 4/1/829A/1917, Ilorin Emirate Reorganisation of Districts. Notes.


8.3d NNAK Ilorinprof 17/1 NAC/30/c.1, Local Government Reform in the Metropolitan Districts of Ilorin Emirate (except Ballah and Afon Districts). Letter, 18 August 1955, and the report, 26 April 1955. Page 4 of the report is missing from the file. Transcribed file.


8.3e  Colonial Reports Annual: Northern Nigeria, 1900‒1913. London, 1900 ‒1914. Pages copied from bound volume 1900‒1911. Various specific references to Ilorin slavery. In my records, this is treated as a published work, but it seems more suitable to place it here, after the Nigerian National Archives Kaduna entries. Transcribed extracts.


8.4   Bodleian Library, Oxford: Commonwealth and African Collections

8.4a Background information  on the two items  included here


8.4b RH Mss. Afr. s.958, Dwyer, Dr. P. M. Extracts from Reports Ilorin 1902‒1908.


8.4c RH Mss. Afr. s.1210, Michie, C. W. Local Government Reform in the Igbomina Area: 1954. Note on citations, section 8.4c: These items are for read-only purposes and all citations must be to the original papers in the Bodleian Library.


Section 9:  Various Authors: Published Works Containing Material Relevant to Ilorin Slavery and Its Aftermath: Text/Summaries of Relevant Content and Select Bibliographies

9.1. Accounts of  Ilorin/Yorubaland with Material on Ilorin Slavery and Its Aftermath and Related Topics (alphabetical order by author): Transcribed Extracts with Notes added by Ann O’Hear, Transcriber; Summaries by Ann O’Hear

9.1a Alabi, Abdurahman Kola. Adifa Community in Ilorin: Historical Notes. Self-published , c. 1990. Transcript of extracts includes material on treatment of slaves/children of slaves; and emir’s slaves.


9.1b Bowen, T. J. Adventures and Missionary Labours in Several Countries in the Interior of Africa from 1849 to 1856. 2nd edition, with a new introduction by E. A. Ayandele. London: Frank Cass, 1968. Transcript of references, in Chapter 17, “Visits to Ilorin in 1855,” to two major elite slaves, “Dangarri” and “Nasamu.”


9.1c Campbell, Robert. A Pilgrimage to My Motherland: An Account of a Journey among the Egbas and Yorubas of Central Africa, in 1859‒60. New York: Thomas Hamilton, 1861. Transcript includes references to slave sales in Ilorin, especially in Gambari Market; general remarks on slavery; and references to elite slaves “Dungari” and “Nasamo” in Ilorin.


9.1d Clarke, William H. Travels and Explorations in Yorubaland 1854‒1858. Ed. and with an introduction by J. A. Atanda. Ibadan: Ibadan  University Press, 1972. Transcript contains descriptions of visits to Ilorin, including information on elite slaves “Nasama” and “Dongari,” on a slave eunuch, and an Ilorin “slave hunt” in Efon.


9.1e Farrow, Rev. S. S. “A Visit to Ilorin.” Niger and Yoruba Notes, vol. 1 (1894): 28‒30, 37‒39. Transcript contains references to Ogunkojole, head slave of the emir (Moma, Momo) of Ilorin and himself a slaveowner; slaves for sale in “Khambari ” (Gambari) Market.


9.1f Jimba, Alhaji Safi. A Short History of Ilorin. Ilorin: Jimba  Book Productions Company, 1981. Summary of relevant material. The author was a member of a former elite slave family.


9.1g Johnson, Rev. Samuel. The History of the Yorubas. First published  1921. Reprinted 1976 Lagos: C.S.S. Bookshops. Provided here: a list of selected pages where information on slavery, mostly related to Ilorin, can be found.


9.1h May, Daniel J. “Journey in the Yóruba and Núpe Countries in 1858.” Journal of the Royal  Geographical Society, vol. 30 (1860): 212‒233. Transcript contains references to Ilorin slave raiding; and references to Eshu, “a great war-chief” to the east of Ilorin [formerly enslaved in Ilorin].


9.1i Milum, John Rev. “Notes of a Journey from Lagos up the River Niger to Bida, the Capital  of Nupè and Illorin in the Yoruba Country, 1879‒80.” Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography, New Monthly Series, vol. 3, no. 1 (Jan. 1881): 26‒37. Brief extract on  Ilorin contains references to slaves who themselves possess slaves, and slave marketing.


9.1j Olawoyin, Chief J. S. My Political Reminiscences, 1948‒1983. Ikeja: John West Publications, 1983. The author was a noted politician from Offa. Summary of a passage on his father’s enslavement by Ilorin warriors and later life; and a brief note on Chief Olawoyin’s support of the Metropolitan Districts.


9.1k Whitaker, C. S., Jr. The Politics of Tradition: Continuity and Change in Northern Nigeria 1946‒1966. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1970. Summary of Chapter 3, “Ilorin: Revolution, Counterrevolution,” pp. 121‒174. Chapter 3 is a groundbreaking study of politics in 1950s Ilorin, featuring the Ilorin Talaka Parapo, party of the common people, including the descendants of slaves, in resistance against the aristocracy.

9.2 Select Bibliography of Publications related to Local Government and Land Reform in Northern Nigeria (relevant to the aftermath of slavery in the  “Metropolitan Districts” around Ilorin, which are populated in  large part by descendants of slaves) (alphabetical order by author)

9.3 Select Bibliography of Published Chapters/Articles (hard-to-find/neglected items): Especially Slavery in Yorubaland/Sokoto Caliphate (alphabetical order by author ); useful for purposes of comparison with Ilorin

Section 10: Unpublished Papers on Ilorin and Area by Dr. Susan J. Watts; Notes on Undergraduate Dissertations; Note on Pioneering Study of Slavery in Yorubaland

10.1 Unpublished Papers on Ilorin and Area by Dr. Susan J. Watts


10.1a  Background information  (including instructions for citation)


10.1b  Copies of the Papers 


10.1b(i) Watts, Susan. “Patterns of Rural-Rural Migration in Central Kwara  State.” Paper presented at the Social Science Seminar, University of Ilorin, May 1980.


10.1b(ii) Watts, Susan. “The Interaction between Ilorin and Related Rural Communities.” Paper presented at the Social Science Seminar, University of Ilorin, January 1981.


10.1b(iii) Watts, Susan. “Space, Time and Structuralisation: An Ilorin Area Case Study.” Paper presented at the Social Science Seminar, University of Ilorin, April 1983.


10.1b(iv) Watts, Susan J . “Urban-Rural Interaction around Ilorin.” Unpublished paper, December 1988.


10.1b(v) Watts, Susan, and R. Mansell Prothero. “Population Mobility and Multilocality in Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, Part 1.” Working Paper No. 1, Liverpool Papers in Human Geography. A Working Paper of the Department of Geography, University of Liverpool. No date.


Note on citations: The following items are included by kind permission of Dr. Susan  J. Watts. They are not to be quoted or cited in whole or in part without the permission of the author(s). Please contact Dr. Susan J. Watts at

10.2  Unpublished Student Dissertations on Ilorin: Notes


10.2a Background information on the dissertations 


10.2b Abdulkadir, Jimoh. “Malete: An Historical Survey in the 19th and 20th  Centuries.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1986.


10.2c Ajoke, Yusuf Azumi. “Diplomacy and Warfare: The Strategies and Military Exploits of Ilorin in the Nineteenth Century.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1988.


10.2d Alade, Busari Ajani. “The Effect of Kwara State Local Government Reforms on Ilorin Division.” B.Sc. (Soc. Sci.) diss., Sociology, Ahmadu Bello University, 1973.


10.2e Aremu, Tunde Shuaib. “Ilorin-Iponrin Relations: The Nineteenth Century to the Present.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1986.


10.2f Ganiyu, Mumeen Yusuf. “Ilorin and District Administration with Specific Reference to Lanwa and Ejidongari Districts, c. 1823‒c. 1960.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1982.


10.2g Gegele, Kehinde Galadima. “Ilorin Relations with Oloru, Malete and Paiye Districts 1823‒1960.” B.A. diss., History Department, University of Ilorin, 1982.


10.2h Jimoh, Kehinde Abolarin. “A Social History of Balogun Fulani Ward since 1823.” B.A. diss., History Department, University of Ilorin, 1984.


10.2i Muhammed, Yahaya Alfa. “Ilorin Relations with Her Western Districts—Afon, Onire and Owode, 1823‒c. 1960.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1982.


10.2j Mustapha, Ganiyu Usman. “Mogajin Gari in the Administration of Ilorin Emirate since 1823.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1987.


10.2k Onimago, Saheed Ibrahim. “Afon: A Historical Survey of the 19th and 20th Centuries.” B.A. diss., History, University of Ilorin, 1987.


10.2l Yakubu, Abdulrahman Ayinde. “Rural-Urban Relations: A History of Balogun Gambari Ward of Ilorin, c. 1823‒1976.” B.A. diss., History Department, University of Ilorin, 1985.


10.3  Note on the Pioneering Study of Slavery in Yorubaland: E. Adeniyi Oroge, “The Institution of Slavery in Yorualand with Particular Reference to the Nineteenth Century.”

Section 11 Appendix: Ann O’Hear: List of Publications and Other Works (as of January 2023)

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