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ThomasL&J 1858-79 5

Niger Mission CA3/O38   JAMES THOMAS  Letters & Journals. 1858-79_PRIVATE __


Journals of James Thomas from June 25th1858 to September 26th 1859


June 25th Friday We left Fernando po  - for the Niger Mission after 9 o clock in the night we steamed for the open sea.

            June 28th Monday we reached Brass river.

            June 29th Tuesday on the evening we left Brass river and return on the sea hearing the river too narrow-

            June 30th Wednes. we reached the Bar mouth in a short - entered the river.

            July 1st Thursday. Many native canoe came on Board ship. they brought some things the same day we had much rain,

            July 2nd Friday we still remain in the same place cleaning the ship for the river.

            July 3rd Saturday After 9 o clock we left for the River Niger after 10. in the morning the vessel grounded in theh place called Sunday Island on the same night all the Kru men 28 in number took two lifeboats and went away early in the morning we found only ourselves remain

July 4th Sunday the duty of the ship fell upon  us so we laboured hard to get her out by the mercy of God after breakfast she get off - Rev. J. Cole. J Thomas  Mr. Geo E. Koach Mr. J. J. Jackson all of us helped to the ship after 11.o clock we left the place on the same evening the prayer meeting was held on board the ship by singing hymns after all Revd J. Thomas concluded with prayer Captain Thomas Fairweather humbled himself in the meeting and the chief engineer - also.

            July 5th Monday afterr breakfast we steamed fast. They found good channel from three to seven fathoms

            July 6th Tuesday we s teamed little way off meet with shallow water she grounded 4 times during the day

and the last time she grounded in the evening we saw two native canoe very small come to  us fast which contained two person in each canoe they made sign to us by their hands which meant pass youonder pass younder, alittle while we found two fathoms little way off. we founded one fathom and half so the vessel is grounded.

            July 7th Wedness two of the native speeking on board - the ship one of them told me that he was a native of Igara he has lost his language,

            July 8th Thursday we still in the same place we would not go on on account shallow water at five o clock in the evening we left the place

            July 9th Friday after 11 o clock we steamed again soon came to a village which we learnt had ready to fight with us. Capt Thomas Fairweather called each of us to take gun I went and took one I did not know that the gun was already loaded it remain but little to kill two men snapped the trigger at once I did not know how to thank God for my deliverance - that  village is call Kairima,

            July 10th Saturday the same village I meet one of my country man he had been slave to the chief of  Ode. the man sent him to  pilot us in the way because they had already bargained to war with us he accompany to another village the place they were preparing for the fight and two men hid themselves in the other side of the river we passed by three guns were fired at once and the shot fell in the water, a little while two men fired two guns more and the man the king sent with us as pilot he spake loud that they must not fire again he told them that he was the Kings messenger  telling them that his master and the white man had already made peace,

            July 11th Sunday early in the morning four canoes came on board ship with some articles for sale at last 10 canoes came more Bananas yams palwine & fowls after 6 o clock in the morning we left the place about two miles the ship grrounded one fathom and we already prepared for the service after all mr. Cole was abliged to reading the Lessons only and concluded. Capt W. Parker - looking for channel and all of us tried to get her off again,

            July 12th Monday we still tried to get her off we could not

            July 13th Tuesday the ship remained aground  the native people brought some things to sell such as yams, plantain, corn fishes and we paid empty bottles and tobacco.

            July 14th Wednes after 6 o clock in the morning the ship get off

July 16th Friday after 6 o clock in the morning we steamed before 9 a.m. we reached a small village the people altogether were ready with their guns one of them wanted to fire but another man prevented him. We saw many childrenn looking at us. We soon met another village the vessel grounded again. The village the ship grounded again belonged to Aboh-

July 17th Saturday early in the morning the chief of that village a man of influence he brought one large canoe paddled by about 40 men all of them helped to pull the ship. 4 or 5 of them were my country men they being slaves many years back on account Dasaba war after 5 o clock in the evening she get off we were very glad for it.

July 18th, Sunday at 10 o clock we steamed for Aboh being the Lords Day we assembled together Mr. Joseph G. Jackson read the lessons as the vessel is now ready to steam we were obliged to dismiss before 11.o clock after 5 in the evening we anchored off Aboh point.

            July 19th Monday 10 o clock Red. Mrssr J. Cole, J. Thomas, Mr. Geo E Koach J. F. Jackson Captain J Fairweather went to visit  - a little  while Age canoe came paddled by about 30 or 40 men there were women also in the canoe he brought some yams goat & sheep with him for present I met about eight Bunu people here  So I commenced to speak to them about our coming to this river then they told me that it is true they that Rev. Mr. Crowther already get piece of ground to build house. Again they told me that they are now ready to help to build for the Church Missionary Society for a place of worship - so I told them that after my returning I hope they must attend the church well. So I began to acquaint myself with them as one of the native teacher.

            July 20th Tuesday before 8 o clock in the morning Age came again for breakfast. Captain Fairweather accompanied him to fine a piece of ground for to build factory alittle while Age's brother named Tshukuma came on board.

July 21th Wedness. we still remained in Aboh point on account Captain Fairweather stopped to building factory.

July 22nd Thursday I gladly received two letters dated the 10th May one from my wife and children and another from my friend Mr. Saml. Thos. King that my family are well and our church at Wellington is improving also. both letters give me joy and gladness.

     July 23th Friday one of Ages son named Ogunbhari he told me that he was very gladly to learn white man's book  the child was about eight years of age on the same day evening he came on the board ship. He presented me one cocoanut I give him some needles besides a leaf tobacco after all I told him that after my returning back if he attend school well I will give him good thing, about 5 in the evening all of us gone on shore in Aboh on account Capt. J. Fairweather stopped in Aboh to build factory he had make bargain with one Aboh man to bring us to Onitsha with canoe. After all the man disappointed the reason be was afraid that if he bring to Onitsha. The people of the same Aboh in the road will take him property on account of this Capt. Fairweather was oblige to make arrangement with Age to take us in his house.        July 24th Saturday. Our landlord Age divided us in three parts Rev Jacob Cole Josiah Thomas and Cole his father stopped inn one place, myself John Smart Edward Cline and Jacob Newland stopped in one place. Mr. Geo E Roach's party stopped another place. 10.oclock in that morning we had many guns fired some of us went out to know the reason they told us that some of them come from their gods named Tshuku, the people of Aboh are very found of English dress such as shirt trousers or waist coat if any of us had our dress they want it as soon they saw they wish to have it from us. Also must remark the character of their children many of them came to me in our lodging place the greater part was Ages sons they came to me to receive instruction through I am not that language; yet still I teach them  with English alphabet - they were ready to follow me with the sound of alphabet: also I consider the people of Aboh to be a great worshipper of idols. Their worshipp was wood and stone the work of men's hand.

            July 25th Sunday early in the morning Age our landlord came to see us ask Mr John Smart that if all of us will stay inn Aboh at once at the Church Missionary Society Station. Mr. Smart told him that as soon, as the vessel go up the river we have to seperat have party have to remain at Onitsha after all some have party shall return to Aboh. Age was very glad he said he will help us to build the house, after he went the chief of his wife she offer sacrifice to her gods - the idol priest- the man came and brought many charms a fowl was giving for offering sacrifice she herself give the priest some cowries so the man went way in the same morning also was the Lords day being first Sabbath spent in Aboh at 10 o clock in the morning we prepared for service after the Revd. J. Cole had read all the lessons then Mr. Isaac B. Leferve preached in the 2nd chapter the Book of Genesis from 2.32 . all 18 Age wives were present some daughters nearly 200 persons all of them paying good attention after the conclusion Age welcome of us the time we commence the meeting one  of Age's servant brought a bottle of rum and a glass in it one idol. he make it like a man she painted with come wood [i.e. camwood] had feet, head hands before we commence the meeting the idol was brought before us. the evening after the lessons being read. Mr. john Smart  preached, 42 chapter Isaiah. 5.8 v. after he had address the meeting with the name of Tshuku. Age did not understand the Tshuku. he spoke of he meant Tshuku. their gods of which they always worship. before Mr. Smart told him that he preached to you about the living God who sent His Son to the world to save sinners-

            July 26th Monday to day I learnt that 31 canoes returned from the battle. Aboh and Osamare having war between themselves about four months ago but many of the people employed in this battle were Aboh slaves most of them were Bunu, Nupe, Bassa and the Igaras people also, they always came to me in our lodging place.

July 27th Tuesday some of my country people still come to me in our lodging place an I am tried to explain to them the meaning of our expedition to gain the souls of men - among our benighted countrymen that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners I told them that all of us are free men and free w omen - in Sierra Leone they were very glad for that good news.

July 28th Wednes early this morning Age paid visit to us, a little while news came to us that the Rainbow coming in the way after all was tic lie,

            July 29th Thursday today Age considered the state in which we were living in Aboh  no fish to be found during all this time. He gave us one small sheep His servant kill the sheep and divided it in 4 parts one part for Mr Roach one part for Mr. Cole and Thomas one part for us. The last to Mr. Leferve, and 5 yams to each party Toward evening I learnt more fully from one of my country man who had returned from the battle he told me that more than 80 canoes lately came from war with Osamare. The man to my lodging. Eseyi a native when he saw me he was very glad he said he very sorry he did not get anything to give me but still he presented me with one mat. I gave him one looking glass one shirt a leaf of tobacco again I told him the meaning of our expedition that the society sent me as Christian visitor to go and visit our own land so he told me that it is better I should stop first at the Confluence because he think our own land spoil by this time on account Masabas war after all I showed him  the house, I being slave in Aboh 25 years ago. he told me that the man died. He was the son of the late King Obi.

            July 30th Friday today another news came to us again that the Rainbow was attacked after all we found that was only lie.

July 31th Saturday today Age's wife worshipped her gods that after we have finished our morning prayer, that w as the manner among Aboh people each house you go you will fine (sic) country fashion in the same way they make it with mud and stick dressed with cowries.

August 1st Sunday yesterday notice was given to one of the chiefs named Ogugbari that we shall have meeting in his house he was very glad on the same evening an accident took place he was called in the night from another village when the appointed time came we went to his house for the meeting then his wife told us every thing that whatsoever we like to keep the meeting we must keep it. What we wanted to do, in the meeting when the husband come home back she will tell him, but if for paying money she said she will pay before her husband came home so we commenced the meeting after the Rev. J. Thomas read the lessons Mr. Smart addressed the meeting from the 3 chapter Matt. 2 v. after the conclusion, we made our way to the residence of Onisa his house himself and all his wives children & kinsmen and friends so the meeting was crowded about 200 and all of them welcome us why we did not have service in one place is their since King Obi died there is no king in Aboh, so all the chiefs desire us to have service in each one's house we were obliged to do so.

Aug 2nd Monday today I pay visit to my country people in this place I met the son of the man who sold me to Bonny the man himself already have been dead the young man did not know me until I showed myself to him, the fellow surprised to see me again in Aboh, so I told him that many people who were sold from Aboh are sill living in Sierra Leone and are now enjoying the privilege of the Gospel so he told me to come over to his house on the following day, I told him of the goodness of the English to us, in Sierra Leone and when the slaves trader heard it they were greatly ashamed when they heard that all of us were in Sierra Leone.

Aug. 3rd Tuesday today I paid visit in the town Ii met with one chief he asked me for my coat which I wore he said that he wish to buy it - I told him that I will not sell all my clothes at once because I brought it for myself to use. However I told him that I will speak to captain Fairweather about it if he had any to sell I will let him know so he asked me what kind of things to pay with I told him that I think it must be palm oil. He told me again that only one thing they desired from white man that white man must help them to war with Osamare if not they will not get palm oil to buy. I said to him that white men did not come for Aboh only they come to do good for Osamare as well as Aboh

            Aug. 4th Wed. I paid visit again in the town to my country people in this place. When I entered to the man's house I met him and one Igara man the priest of Ifa. had also the gods made of broken calabashes little while he asked me if I know anything about Ifa I told him that the former time my father w as Ifa worrshipper and myself also. but since  I reached white man country I became acquainted with the word of God I put all that away I told him the time will come when himself whall read the word of God and the country fashion shall be put out he burst into a laughter - after I went oout in the open street all the neighbouurs had surrouonded me they asked how many wives I had I said one, they think that because I was poorman that is reason, I had one wife. They said if the King of the country will have only one wife,  I told them yes. Because that w as the law of God and not the law of man - all of them wondered at it.

            Aug. 5th Thursday today myself and Mr. Smart after two o clock we went onboard the ship  after we had remained 15 days without provisions, we met Capt. Fairweather in the factory. He a sked us what did we on shore we told him that we feel very hungry he told us why we would not sell our things to eat we  told him that we have nothing to sell. He a sked us agin that if the Society did not give us any things to live upon we told him nohe said what way we will live by,  then mr. Smart told him by uyou sir.  He said that he had no business with the Church Missionary Society, he had no instruction to take us to the river. Only through sorrow he brought us in the river, on account of thisi to get thing to eat we w ere obliged to take ourclothes we brought to use and sell them to eat - because Catain Fairweather told us that if we depend on him we d epend upon rotten stick.

            Aug. 6th Friday early in the morning Mr. Cole, Mr. Thomas & mr. Cline they went  on board ship to speak with Capt. Fairweather that as long you said that youo will not give us provision any more we wanted to try to hire the native peooples' canoe to carry us to Onitsha and the people charged us tenpieces of clothes to pay  each of us and as we had not nothing in our hands. But Mr. Fairweather he told them that he shall not give us any provision until he see the Red. Sam. Crowther.

            Aug. 7th Saturday early in the morning our landlady  she sacrifice to her gods a fowl chicken a day or  two old only she killed the fowl and sprinkled the blood on her head on the evening my self Mr. Cline we pay visit to our countryr people living here then we told them again  the intention for our coming to this river.

            Aug. 8th Sunday the Lords day after ten o clock we had service at Tshukum's house as soon we entered into the man's house, He brought the Bible which was give[n] to the late King  Obi from the first expedition by Captain Trotter and after the  dead of King Obi - Tshukuma tookm the property 1 Bible, 1 Chair he put it up in the smok??. Since that time the Bible wrapped in cloth, before we entered to the man's  house we passed one small market - no more than 40 or 50 in the same market - then we met him sit down in the mat with his wife he spread mat  on  the wall four or five guns put up the whole house contain country fashion but still the man called all his household to attend the meetiing before 12 we concluded just we reached home. Age call all of us again to keep service we were obliged to so so after t wo o clock a young man named Opillo the manm call us again to keep service in his house we went. The service was well attended after the conclujsion  He presented us with five yams and one fowl. Affter we  returned back inn two places myself Mr. Cline spoke to the people in the coner street - because when we passed by we meet many our country people in this place as sooon as we meet them - they will  surronded us so we began to speak t them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

            A leopard was killed today they brought it to Tshukuma's house about 200 men besides women having their cutlasses in their hands and the women clapped their hands together dancing on the same sunday evening.

            Aug. 9th Monday today  myself Mr. Cline returned from visiting we met a man and the man was one of the chiefs in this place he call me by his hands  I went to him he offer me sit in the mat he had also one of my country man in the house he calls the man and the man told us that his master wanted me and my partner to come always and preach to him I asked him why he said because he thought any house we enter blessing shall beupon that house.

            Aug. 10th Tuesday to day REvd.  J. Cole. J. Thomas and other friends paid a visit to Tshukuma he presented them one small  goat and ten yams

            Aug. 11th Wednes. today  three young  women two of them were of the Nupe tribe and one was of theh Bassa tribe came to us after  two o clock, we took our Bible in our hands and taught them many things out of the Bible after all   one of them called Mr. Cline and said to him that both of them wanted us to redeem them from their bondage so Mr. Cline comforted them to have patience with God foro as we came here we have nothing to redeem any person but only she must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - the time will come  when all men shall be free in Christ after she ready to go out there was a great  rain since we reched Aboh many weeks back.   there is no rain at all and the people of this place were afraid of us they think we have power to stop rain.

            Aug. 12th Thursday. I paid visit about in the town. I considered theh population of Aboh to be more than 10.000 and most of them were  traders on account of this they had no provisions sufficient even 2/6 will not be sufficient for a man aday in Aboh three or fouor yams. they will ask a piece of cloth for in exchange a coat worth 1pd by wanted to give ten yams for exchange.

            Aug. 13th Frriday this night a thief man came to our lodging place,the man was slave to our landlady at the same  time he came we all asleep our landlady was not at home she told us to take care of the house she told us that 18 bags of salt were in the house after ward learnt that the same salt the man came for

            Aug. 14th Saturday this night after 12 o clock my bowels were loosed sle4p went away from my eyes before the morning I almost fainted and also the Rev. J. Cole. J. Thomas Mr. Cole's father and Jacob Newland  all were suffering frrom fever  this week in Aboh

            Aug. 15th Sunday we have service in two places the first plac we keep the meeting under a large tree in the street I am glad to say that a g reat congregation [sur]rounded us after we concluded we returned to another chief's house and keep the meeting in the same yard.

            Aug. 16 Monday early in the morning our landlady returned from market after two o clock she sacrificed to her country fashion very young  chicken she killed the chicken and sprinkled the blood onn her hand thoguh all this time we were reading our bible to her and trying to tell her that she must leave country fashion and serve the true and living God.

            Aug. 17th Tuesday today Captain Fairweather call all the chiefs i n this towon to  inform them that he w as about to remove at two o clock alll the chiefs came together with 6 canoes were dressed beautifully with flags and many guns fired in the Factory on the same evening trade was opened.

            Aug. 19th Thursday early in the morning we left Aboh steamed little way off the vessel grounded twice and the third time she grounded fast on the evening so we remained in the same place all night.

            Aug. 20th Friday we laboured heard(sic) about four o clock she get off we remained on that point all night

            Augs. 21th Saturday we found good channel  then we s team fast about 12 a.m. we reached osamare. Captain Fairweather, Dr of the Sunbeam  and others went on shore alittle while they returned on board the ship  the King and his pople draw near on the shore with him chair he did not come on board the ship on account this custom that if he went on board the ship human being to be sacrifice besides many cows that is the reson he did not come on the board the ship during theis day we found good channel.

            Aug. 22nd Sunday after  12 o clock we reached onitsha and met the Rev. J.C. Taylor and Mr. Simon Jonas both of them wee in good health  alittle while all of us went on shore the Mission House. So we remain until evening we returned back on board the ship

            Aug. 23rd.  Monday today we went onshore after we had returned back we met with some canoes which brought big country pot. [five;live;nice - goat???]  were put around it.

            Aug. 24th Tuesday we made arrangement  that the Revd.  J. Cole J. Thomas Mr. F. Smart and old Cole should  remain at Onitsha and myself Mr. Cline Mr. Newland to proceed to the Confluence and seek for the Rev. Mr. Crowther by  him we will get better information

            Aug. 25th Wednes. we still remained at Onitsha on account of Capt. Fairweather's landing goods in the Factory-

            Aug 24th Thursday we went on shore to pay visit to theh Rev. J. C. Taylor after we had returned myself Mr. Cline and Mr. Newland we took small canoe the Bishop letter and Mr. Crowthers letters contain in it when we  reached the vessel I went on board left Mr. Newland & Mr Cline in the small canoe Mr. Cline was to give rope for me to tie the canoe  to the big boaot buut the strong current carry the canoe back during all this time they making efforts to secure the canoe but Mr. Cline fell in the water which carried him a little way before he was bale to hold the canoe all the letters were nearly spoiled by water but thanks be to God the man was saved on that day.

            Aug. 27th Friday. Mr. Taylor considered how we sold our clothes at Aboh for want of provisions he spoke to Captain Fairweather to take care of us until we sse Mr. Crowther.

            August 28th Saturday after 8 o clock we left onitsha steamed fast after two o clock she grounded before three o.cloock she get off se steam about two miles we anchored for the night.

            Aug. 29th Sunder we steamed from t to 9 a.m. we anchored for breakfast little way we saw 15 native canoes surrounded us and each canoe contain 5 or 6 persons bothh men and women-

             Aug. 30th Monday we steam fast  until the evening. She gounded below Idda little while she get off again-

            Aug 31th Tuesday today we could not go well on account of shallow water. She grounded three times we get her out again - so we anchord one mile below Idda

            September 1st Wednes. early in the morning, Captain Parker and others went to sounding the water they found 2 or 3 fathoms after all they returned back so we steamed before eight o clock we reahed Idda Capt. Fairweather the Doctor of the Sunbeam. Mr. Charles watts, Mr. George Roach,  Mr. William Herbert, they went on shore after they had returned brought the Kings word that he is willing and ready to receive missionary as well as merchant only he was very sorry Mr. Crowther disappointed him all ways about Building Church in Idda he asked his father for ground to build and his father gave him, when he was yet alive since that time, the house never built until now even if Mr Roach wanted piece of ground now to build he was willing to give it.

            Sept. 2nd Thursday after 6 o clock we left Idda and steam fast she founded good channel at 6.oclock we anchored beford Bird rock for the night

            Sept. 3rd Friday, after one o clock we reached Gbebe, when we were but one mile way off Mr. James Macauly Mr. Simon Priddy and five kroomen pulleanoe and met us in the way after four o clock myself Mr. George Roach Edward Cline Jacob Newland and William Herbert met with some of his families among who was a blind old woman after all myself met with my uncle I asked him about oour town he told me that may of my families still yet alive so he tell me to accompany him to my father's house at once but I told him to have patience  with me until I see Mr. Crowther and speak to him about it if he said I must follow you and pay visit to the Bunu land then I will go if not I will not go by myself

            September 8th Wednesd. today I paid a visit tothe tribe of Eki after I walked round in the town i met a man named Amojuby the chief of Ifa worshipper and the people surrouonded him. After he had concluded and the people were ready to go out I ordered them to walk in I told them to kneel down all together kneeled down - and myself kneeled upon the tape of Ifa then i offered prayer in my own language a fter I had concluded - they asked me if this was the only way and the manner English people workshipped God I told them yes and again they asked me if no goat sheep or fowl to be killed for sacrifice I told them no. No more sacrifice Jesus Christ himself has been sacrifice upon the cross for sinners i told them the property of this world belong to God- so God wanted nothing from us. only our heart after which I returned to the factory.

            Sept. 12 Sunday the Lords day i commence to open the Sunday school besides week day school the parents themselves told me that they were glad to learn and therefore no place to keep the school they themselves was obliged to point me to the Blacksmith's shop on that day for Sunday school in the morning - on the evening I told my brother Mr. Cliine to accompany me to the places keep the school we went to the school again they point us agin to another man's yard named Okurigo after we keep the school a f ew days the man removed us again I was obliiged to remove to oanother man's yard nameed Bajemito. This place the school was well attended for some time

            Sept. 14. Saturday the second day after we arrive the evening myself Mrr. Cline Mr. Simon Priddy we went to the Ama Abohkor and told that we wanted to keep meeting in his place on the following Sunday we were accompanied by a native of Yoruba man named Sadao then the King said to us welcome

            Sept. 18th Saturday after I paid visit rround in the town I told Mr. Cline Mr. Priddy to go and remind the king that tomorrow we will have the meeting in his place  then he refused he said unless he see the Revd. Mr. Crowther returned from up  the river and give him some things before he will know how to do about the meeting-

            Sept 19th Sunday the Lords day we were obliged  to go voer to Bassa Town about two miles from Gbebe, myself Mr. Cline Mr. priddy we hired a canoe to go over to Bassa but we had to wade through much mmud before we reached the town. And many Bassa people were alrady gone to their farm so we follow Mr. Parker a Sierra Leone man and Mr. parker called some of the native from their farm. So we keep the meeting among them after we had concluded  the meeting Olumody  the chief of Bassa he returned from farm we went to his house, and told him our intentionn coming here, He said yes we must go  first until he mention it to his brother after which he will let us know about it so we returned to Gbebe on the same Sunday evening however se  promised them to go back on the following Thursday to hear the answer from Olumody.

            Sept.  23rd Thursday myself Mr. Cline and Mr. Priddy we went to the Bassa town we go with two printed alphabet we hired the canoe as soon we reached the town and the children see us, they surrrounded us. So we presented them  with some cowries and began to teach them the alphabet. Oludody the Chief of the village Kpata had just  return from farm and met us teaching the children. So he told us, that he liked us very much be said if we wanted to come always in the Bassa town we must come and if we wanted to rea among ourselves we may but to teach their children they wanted not.  to see in thier land a little  while he asked us if we did not bring him any present  at all so we told him that he must have patience with us until our minister Revd. Mr. Crowther return from Rabbah he his the man to speak to him better face to face if any present has will receive it - by him I do believe the reason he stopped us from teaching is for want of present succh as looking glass cloth needle cowries & other a rticles such things I think will bring our labour up soon. Again they told us, the reason they were afraid of white men to keep friends with them they feared the English people very much on account of the first the Expedition of 1841 which spoiled their minds . They said that the time the expedition had settlement over the river and the white man were in the plalce had hired at them to work and thye tried to do the work and the school was keeping among them also after all war came and the English people never told them a word that war  was coming in the same night English people went away and the following day Masab brought war uon them carried many of them captive and may wee killed form that time they began to fear English people. However, we tried to explain to them through they did not know the reason better, we told them that it was not war which drove white men from the model f arm but itw  as on account of Mr. Carr's daath so from this time they must not fear too much the English people come  here to do them good and their children.

            Sept. 26th Sunday today after we had concluded the meeting in our lodging  place I went to school in the Eki tribe, when I commenced so far the wife of the owner of the yard came and told me that unless I paid for the yard she will not allow me to keep school in her yard I was obliged to return back in our lodging and presented her with a piece of soap, five needles and 50 cowries on the following [day] I went to scchool  again I found the people wee attentive for sometime from that time their childen followed me about in the street for  instruction but  still pity theh Ifa worshippers did not allowed their chidren to learn by telling the parents that Eki people have no busineess to learn book only they were brought up for Ifa worship and from that time they began to say that I deceived them byt by telling their chidren to learn  white man's book more over my uncle told me that the Eki people who are living here were just come for trading they will not have time sufficient to learn book unless the society will take the trouble to send me to the King of Eki, as for the Eki people who live here they will have no time to learn. However every day I paid visit in  the town around with my alphabet in my hand some time I met with five men and some time more than five they always looked for present since I began to labour among them i have nothing  in my hand more than a few needles and cowries also, after all theh parents themselves understood my saying so they did not prevent their chikdren to come to me and the parents themselves they began to come to my way evry day to hear the word of God; but I know that the time will cocme when God shall open their eyes to know themselves but dust and ashes and the ifa which  they worshipped shall be taking (sic) from their eyes

            September 30th Thursday yesterday about 10 o clock in the night there was much rain a little while I heard a noise on the Factory. Sadoa our landlord Mr. Cline Mr. Priddy went to hear the matter after they had returned ack then they told me that thieves had been in the factory and robbed many things. 4 large ivory, 4 pieces cotton cloth, besides other articles they broke the roof and got into the store before they found out they ran way. but two country cloth fall from  their hands - after 12.o clock in the night I heard gun fired in the Factory and the thieves was wounded on the left leg  the gun was loaded with pegion? shot  - the wounded went back in the same night early in the morning Okoro brought the wounded thief to the Factory, he said  if the man died Mr. Watts and Mr. Macaulay will answer the damage because his boy pass by  in the night Mr. Macauley shot him so the matter was brought before the King and Mr. Watts  & Mr. Macauley were called, the matter [latter?] related that the same  night Mr. Peter Williams Jones first saw the man and called for Mr. Macauley for mr. James Macauley, Jone Macauley both went after the theif a little way they held the man so he held fast the gun from Macauley 's hand Mr. Macauley tried to get the gun back and the pain [chain?] snapped in his hand at once so the man was wounded oon the leg, the people told the King that if the man die Mr. Watts & Mr. Macauley will answer for it from that time myself & Mr. Cline returned back to keep watch in the Factory all the night we obliged to made three divisions among ourselves from 6 o clock to 11. and from 11 to 2 and from 2 to 6 in the morning, after all the king was very sorry that he had matter with white man, to [???] that he was very sorry - on Sunday 3rd Oct he took one goaot one arrow and three hundred cowries for sacrifice on the water that late his father might send peace between him and white man.

            Oct. 9th Saturday before  I left Sierra Leone Mrs. C. Kacy David at Kissy she gave me one framed looking glass today I sold it for 4000 cowries i walk round  in the town and the cowries I presented to the poorr & sick people they were surprised so see such thing they never saw before and one old blind man asked me what I meant by these cowries I gave him I told him that I felt foro him that move me to do that then the blind man thank God heartily

            Oct. 10th The Lords day, we of  held the meeting  in the residene Sadao our landlord place Iam very glad to see few of the native present after I read the lessons I make my brother Mr. Cline make few remark in the 55 Chap. Isaiah from 1 to 30. Ho every one that thirsteth 7 after all we concluded i took the alphabet in my hand and went too school in the Eki Town as long there is no place for the school by this time I was obliged to walk house by house to teach them during all this time, if they were keep on regularly since i reached here I do believe that many of them will able to finished theh alphabet - they were very quick to learn.

            Oct 15th Friday, i paid visit in the Town with my printed alphabet in my hand then I had 5nformation from my own tribe Eki which is called Bunu they told me that last month Mamah Dasaba called all the war people  in Eki and the King also, they altogether went to Bida. Then Dasaba told them that those persons who wanted to trade must go and trade, who wanted to work farm must do it and leave war because himself will soon leave Bida for Rabbah and rebuilt Rabbah again. after he rebuild Rabbah then himself and his people will follow farm work also and the town ofo Eki must rest from war-

            Oct. 16th Saturday the Sunbeam arrivied from Rabbah and brought the Day Springs party - Among whom ws theh REvd. Saml. Crrowther and Dr. Baikie before  9 o clock in the morning, alittle while  I went on board the ship with gladness after we had been long here one month and 13 day waiting for Mr. Crowther little while he came on shore accompanied me to our lodging plalce at Sadoo. So he had removed us to Dagana's house on account Sadao house to small for us to stay

            Oct 17th the Lords day after the Revd. Mr. Crowther had beg?? Mr. Gurding the Sailor, all of us went on boaoord ship for the service he preached 86 Psalms. 12 too 13 v. he mentioned about the wreck of the Dayspring that the people of the place might harm them but still the very people became their helper through the mercies of God. So ourselves ought too praise God for His goodness and mercy toward us.

            Oct. 21th Thursday after 9 o clock the Revd. Sam Crowther and Dr. Baikie had settled some business with the King myself Mr. Cline accompanied Mr. Crowther to the Mission Ground after we had walked round in the yard - he showed the way to build te house after which he kindly bid us good bye then returned back on booard the ship after 12 o clock the got up steam, myself Mr. Cline bid them goodbye by the hand after two o clock she left Gbebe for Idda.

            Nov. 1th Monday today a old Mahamaden man came to us in ouorlodging he said that he sesired to come  to us always . We asked him for what the reason he said to receive instruction from us then I took my Bible in my hand and shewed him.  he said yes though they themselves trusted in their religion but after all he do believe that English religion will be the best afer all. The word of this man give us livly hope that our labouron the Banks of the Niger will not go in vain that to say even the Devils is now subject unto us through thy name.

            Nov. 2nd Thursday today I paid  visit round about  in the town to get some words in the Igbira language I am very glad to get good  promises among the Eki tribe that as soon our building finish they will attend the Church, on the wilr sent their childdren to school

            Nov. 3th Friday  today after two o clock Olumody the chief of Bassa came to see us in our lodging. Little while Mr. Cline related to him the word  of Mr. Crowther that he desired to come over to Bassa Town but being he is hurry went down to Onitsha that is the reason he was not able to see him face to face, so he asked us,  what was the reason we told him that the same words we told you before about the Church Missionary Society that they might build a place  in Bassa and they themselves and their children might receive instruction after which we gave him the present which Mr. Crowther left to us to give him  ten handkerchiefs 5 each of them -  himself and his brother so he received the present with gladness then he kindly promised us that the time Mr. Crowther returned back we must let him know tha he will come and see him face to face , he said the village Kpa;ata belong to him which way we wanted to build the Church house he will give us  to built so after 3 o clock in the evening he returned home back he his partners  with gladness.


            Nov. 19th today I am very sorry to say that our mind is always perplexed in this place on account of the unsettled state of the town some time a go one Igbira man sold a woman which belong to a Nupe man, they founded her in another village to the owner of the woman redemed her for the sum  of 120.000 cowries they took the matter before the King and the King asked the woman she pointed the man nout who sold her to another villaage so the man confessed then the King told him pay the amount 120,000 cowries f  rom that time. the Nupe party agreed altogether to leave this place though the man promised faithfully to pay the cowries he never fulfilled his promise on account of this the Nupe party made ready to go out of this place even ouor landlord, Daganna. told Mr. Newland in the same evening that he was ready to sent his people to Bassa Town after which they will try to cut bush over the river to built their houses today matter was very strong. the Nupe people with to leave this place, this river and  their children tied boundles to remove at once. What made the case stand so yesterday one Igbiraa man came down from up the river when he was r eady to go up back he enticed the 6 men to go with him, this has did in order to sell them, on the same evening the matter was found out and the man was condemned to be killed early in the morning because the 6 men belonged to Igbira people that cause Nupe party too be grieved because since the Nupe woman was sold in  the same manner until this day the case was never settled so no dooubt after Nupe party should leave here and go over the river if they meet  with Igbira people in the same way they will sell them like wise, when we had considered all these things our minds were peerplexed because the man Daganna in whose charge we were left to built the house will not have chance to attend to the business all these things cause us much anxiety, but still we trust on the Lord Jesus Christ that all things will soon be settled.

            December 1st. Wed. early  in the morning myself Mr. Cline went over to Bassa town, The village which is called Kpaata about eight o clock we  reached the village Olumody went to his farm after we had waited about three hours he returned from his farm he met us after we had a little talk together then he asked usif Mr. Crowther already eturned from Onitsha. I told him no. So we presented him the two woodin loooking glass tellig him that one was for him and one for his brother. So her received the present with gladness little while he told us to accompany him to his brother's  house. So we followed him to  his brother's house I saw the old man to be more than 60 years of age and many people surrounded us man  & women, more than two or three hundred & besides children so we appeared before the man he shook our hands heartily a little while he told Olumody to take us home back a great number of people & children crowded us - we hadly found road to walk i was oblige to throw some cowries before them when they were picking the cowries we got into our lodging they came again and stood on the door. to look upon us. Then the man was oblige to shut thie mat door upon us,. alittle while the man and his partner brought three countrry pots of beer to us we r efused after all this , we commenced our message to him that our minister send us to him about the matter we told him before that he might help us to fine a place to built church to teach them and their children in the same then the man welcome  that message. he replied yes  I will help them we told him the goodness arrive for the heathen children. that they will know about their souls and business of the Factory I pointed them to Mr.  James Maculdy in the Factory i told them that  so he recieved instruction in Sierra Leone and now able to carry on business in the Factory and all the children who were present welcome the message after this the men brought a goat too be sacrificed too his gods he took  the goat and knocked the goat head three times with his head then four men held the goat and killed it he shed the blood upon the country fashion he called the gods name A.kpanoda after he had roast the goat we told him that we wanted to return home, he said no, on accouont of you I killed the goat we told him that we never eat the goat which is offered for sacrifice, so he urged us to eat the goat but we still we refused, he was oblige to buy some fish to ccook for us. When we were about to return home about three o clock we reminded him  of  the promise asked him if he will be the eyes of the C.M.S among the Bassa Town or villages he replied yes I will be eir to any place we wanted to go among Bassa Town or villages. The Bassa have a grreat many  children and they are altogether pagan, the field is opened on the Bassa nation for the Church missionary Society labour. the harvest truly is plentious but labourers are few. pray ye therefore theh Lord of the harvest that He will send forth labourers into his harvest, then about 4 o clock we returned back too Gbebe and many chhildren accomanied us on the way-

            December 3rd Friday  the man came to see us we tried too please him by spending 200 cowrries for him. He still hold fast upon his promise too receive Gospel in the Bassa even he promise to give us a person to accompany us for ward among the villager of the Bassa this man has influence among his countrymen.

            December 4th yesterday evening the King sent a person to call us after eight o clock. We accompanied Daganna the King place he said that his heart troubled him very much on account of the Factory which was removed to the other said (sic) of the river he because he learnt from the native that the people down the  river are making bargain to go plunder the Factory by night  that is the reason he call us to be his  witness also he already called Mr. Watts & Mr. Maculey he told them the same. after he has finished then Mr Cline told him that no any nation will trouble English people in such manner without a couse he tell that if he know  them he must goo and tell them better that they must not do it  and my words were these I said to the King that ouorselves and the people who were living in the Factory were left to  the King's charge but if he know  that he had no hand dto  it those town or village which made the bargain to coome and plunder the Factory please to give me the names of the town or village that at the time Mr. Crowther  & Dr. Baikie comes from Onitsha I might show them the name, he said I cannot  tell. So we  returned to our lodging .And also this place is a great in slave trade at present but still we try to speak to them to give up trading inhuman being told them that if they like to trade the Factory is opened for oivory palmoil shea butterr & nut oil, goat & sheep and other articles will bring them good cowries, told them that the English people never trade with slaves. but still God blessed their labour more than any nation in the world

no any nation soo happy as English people last time we pass oone Nupe man was going up the river by chance he met a man brought foro sold this poor man boought him without money to pay it the same time and bring the slave. He promised to pay as soon he sell the slave. When he reached home another day then the slave died and there is no money to pay to the owner the man himself was oblige to put himself under another man work hardly for to pay the money see how this poor man troubled himself. Mr. Cline trying to speak to the Nupe people living here to give up from trading in human beings and one of them confessed before Mr. Cline  that as long as he live upon the earth he would never trade in human being again. and myself told Eki people living here to give up from trading in human being, I told them that they must consider how great things English people had done with poor black man in Sierra Leone and some of us are able to ocome out to be their teacher on the following day I went to paid them visit one of them shook my hand heartily and said all the words I spoke to them always  they called foolishness until last night he was lieing down and he considered to be true he said two things are in the hand of God. that,  then God always gave us good things even he consider the mighty works English people does by making ship go every way this is remarkable in his mind. He has now promised to help us in the time of our building.-

            December 8th today the King called the big people  in the town as far as to Bassa town before 10. oclock all the people were present then the king said he was abouot to remove and the people asked him what was the r eason he said that because such thing he saw by this time  his forefathers ever saw, before  that very day houses are set on fire that people may have opportunity to rob and any slaves which run away from their owners they never showoed him again they took them to sell by themselves he said in the same way no doubt if any man get a child they will sell it even white men who came from a far country to keep friendship with him on account of their robbing they removed the Factoryy over side of the river that is the reason he  wanted to remove. but if not he wanted to send for the fountry fashion that all men in the town might sware at any time any man wilfully set fire upon houses that the country fashion must kill such and once the people agreed to the law and regulation and the King told them further more, that each house must bring cowries to buy the coountry fashion - so I think do doubt by this time  the King will have peace in this town


            January 5th 1859. Myself Mr. Cline Mr. William Smith a man from Fernado Po we accompanied the Rev. Saml. Crowther to the Bassa village which called Kpata after 9 o clock we reached the village today moderne [more than] four times I paid visit to that village - the chief Olumody still stood fast too his promise that is  willing to receive the gospel in the Bassa town before we went about to returned home Mr. Crowther presented him 12 handkerchiefs 6 for himself and6 for his brother after we had walked round in the town, so we returned home on the same evening,

ThomasL&J 1858-79 6

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