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ThomasL&J 1858-79

Niger Mission CA3/O38   JAMES THOMAS  Letters & Journals. 1858-79

Gbebe in Confluence. Journal Kept By James Thomas Native teacher from October 19th 1862


            1.         October 19th The Lord's day, I preached on the 18 Chap the Acts. from 9 too 10 verses. Morning small congregation  - 62. On the evening Mr Thomas Joseph conducted the service. His text was  in Matt 7 Chap 3 v. small congregation 45. We thank God for unspeakable who has call us to this great work.

            2.         Oct 22nd I went out paid visit in the town soon I met a man by name Eta-a one of the chief Ifa maker among Eki people as soon I reached his house and his wife. She belong too our church, then those men live with him to make ifa. They saw me I take sit with and reason with them concerning in the faith of Christ out  of scriptures. They said that since I came at first I did told them therefore a time for them now return to the true and living God. So I addressed them few the word of God and went out  to another man's house & met on the same thing. They make Ifa. They are three old men together when they saw me they left from Ifa maker. So we had little talk I asked them why they did not come  to church. They did not say a word. I asked them again that  if they wish us to come on the Lord's day and keep service in this place one of them answered and said that I must wait until they will inform their headman in Eki district before they will know how to say. Said theyt because the same word I didd told them  since I was here before. I told them on the same things. So I tell them again that the time will come when all of them shall have the fear of God on their hearts  and foresaking Ifa & hold one God the Father  one Son Jesus Christ our redeemer.

            3.         Oct 24th Myself and Mr Joseph we paid  visit to one of the Bassa village which call Kpata Kpale we crossed in a small canoe after all we made great mud before we  where on the shore after 11 o'clock we reach the place many of them already gone to their farm So only  few men with their head man  and women after had a little talk with him we asked him if he will agree by and bye church in? I will come over therefore and build a churchh as doing at Gbebe. He was very glad to hear that news and all the people present with him So we walk  rouond in the town after 3 o'clock we return home.

            4.         Oct. 25th myself and Thomas Joseph paid visit round in the town we reached to one large yard and met with few women in the place. Then we have a little company with them then we ask them if they never hear the name of Jesus one of them replied and said that she never know such before then we began to teach her every? thing out of the scripture. We told her that if she wanted to hear the word of God she must  cme to church always all this time she still kneeled down  upon her knees. before us. She was a tribe Igbira woman On the following Sunday she attending on the service both morning and evening from that time she going class and she became member of our church in this place.

            5.         Oct 26th The Lord's day morning after Mr. Jacob Newland read the prayer then Mr. Joseph conducted the service his text was in first Kings 18 Chap 21 v. small congregation 66. on the evening I preached in Matt 24 Chap. from 36 to 39 ver. small congregation present 64 among this people one of them  said that never her hear our sermon before. this been first her hear. Also she was a stranger come from up the river now she have desire to stay with us here that she might have opportunity to hear the word of God. She was a tribe of Nupe.

            6.         Nov 1th Saturday we paid visit to the Bassa town which is call Kpata-a Asembo. the time we reached the place many of them gone to their farm. those we meet home we told them that they must remember our old late friend Olumody in his lifetime gave us a piece of ground to built the church and the people replied yes they know about the matter only they wait for the time we will come to built the church. however thheir headman is not at home we promise them to return on a short time and see their head man. So we return home at Gbebe about 3 o'clock. On the evening we paid vist round in the town then we reached to a woman  his house in the same woman of which I mentioned in my last Journal in 2nd page and 4 ver. we remember her for the coming sabbath then she told us that she wanted to go market on that day So we began to teach her many things in the scripture s about her soul. She still kneeling down again before us and thank us heartily she promised that from that day she will not go to any market on the Lord's d ay

            Alittle while a Yorubna woman being slave many years in this town she came and told us that she had been to sale tomorrow then we told her in the same words. She kneeled down bust crying on the following day both of them attending on the church morning and evening.

            7.         Nov 2nd The Lord's day after Mr. Priddy red the prayer the meeting addressed through Mr. Joseph was interpreter. to the people. the text was 55 Chap. the book Isaiah 2 v. congregation 65.    On the eveing I preached 10 Chap St Luke from 41 to 42 v. we have congregation 67 all of them paid good attentive.

            Nov.6th Thursday. we commence the monthly prayer meeting was held at schoolroom kept one many native present and our member in the Church after 10 o'clock we commenced the meeting then the portions of scriptures was read 35 Chap. Isaiah. Matt. 28 Chap. Mark 16 Chap. Matt 2 Chap. I red it in Nupe language then Mr. Jacob Newland. Thomas Joseph Simon B. Priddy  & William Reader, e ach of them were call to pray on behave of the Church the meeting was interesting on that day. When seeing the meeting is well attended.

            8.         Nov. 9th. The Lord's day. Mr. Priddy rad the prayers Mr. Joseph conducted the meeting his text was Romans 13 Chap 12 v.  in the same morning congregation 51. On the evening I conducted the service the text was in Matt 2 Chap. 23. & in the case of fewer [or fever??] only 35 attend.

            9.         Nov. 16th The Lord's d ay I conducted the service on theh morning the text was 6 Chap the book of Daniel From 21 to 22 v.  Small congregation 52. On the evening affter Mr. priddy read prayers. Mr Joseph preached in the 13 Chap St. Luk 3..v. congregation 45

            10.       Nov. 23rd The Lord's day Mr. Priddy school master conducted the service in the morning. through Mr. Joseph help him as interpreter. the text  was 3 Chap Colossians. 13 v. congregation 63.  On the eveing I preached 10 Chap St. John 27 v. congregation 44

            11.       Nov. 30th The Lord's day I conducted the service inthe morning text was in Matt 19 Chap from 16 too 18 v. congregation 61. On the evening Mr. Thomas Joseph preached 3 Chap St John's gospel 14 v. congregation 38.

            12.       December 4th Thursday monthly prayer meeting was held in the school room which was conducted by Mr Joseph Newland then each of us call to offer prayer, congregation 39.

            13.       Dec. 7th The Lord's day Mr. Priddy read some part of prayer Mr. Joseph address the meeting in the 11

Chap the Acts 15 to 16 v. small congregation 56. On the evening I conducted  the service the text was in Matt 22 Chap. from 34 to 40 v. on the same evening some strangers came from Bunu our small congregation 55 was obliged to address the meeting accordingly by their tribes  first Nupe 2. in English, 3. in Eki Bunnu after  the service over some of them shaking my hand heartily that since they hear the fame of us a far off and never hear our preaching a time or two. this day been first they hear it. they are now hope and trust that the word of God might reach to their town. before they leaved us they beg me that some of us must trying to reach their place of which I promised them to do so after service our wives Mr. Thomas  Mrs. Newland and Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. Priddy both of them went out paid visit round in Eki district. alittle while myself Mr. joseph follow them, after we reached one of our native class member she was sick. her husband was a great Ifa maker then the man told us that the  word he hear in the church this day it is true since we came in this country. He never hear our sermon before.

            14.       14th Dec. The Lord's day I conducted service in the morning the text was 15 Chap. the Acts from 25 to 26 v. attended 36.  On the evening Mr. Priddy conducted the service  thougfh Mr. Joseph interpreter to the people. His text was in Matt 25 Chap from 12 to 13 v. Small congregation 36.

            15.       Dec 15th Monday our brother Thomas Joseph went out seeking for went out seeking for physick on accouont of his illness and therefore we thank God He had spair (sic) us to see this dday In the land of the living. no one of us three father humbe to dust on the case of sickness  -- is found among ouor t wo brother, the sickness  of Mr. Joseph - particularly Mr Newland had been  suffering in the pain of sores [or sons??] As for the natives we met living with us thank God so far as to see many villages visit us here daily.

            16.       Dec. 21th The Lord's day Mr Jacoob Newland read some part of prayers. Then Mr Joseph address the meeting in the 25 Chap St. Matt from 1 too 2 vers.  Small congregation 45. On the evening I conducted the service the text was in St. Luke 16 Chap. 25 to 26 v.  Small congregation 51.

            17.       Dec 25th Thursday Christmas day. Then we celebrate the birth of our Lorod Jesus Christ. Mr. Priddy conducted the service throuogh Mr. Joseph interpreter his text was St. Luke 2 Chap from 10 to 11 v. Small congregation 35

            18.       Dec. 28th The Lord's day at 10 o'clock on the morning I preached in the 20 Chap Acts from 22 to 24 verses. this words was addressed the time I read took my gathering in to my fathers house Small congregation 45.

            19.       Dec. 29 Monday early in the morning I left Gbebe after 10'oclock cross the river to Lukoja to get a person or two to accompany me. Mr. Abbega kindly sent me two men of which agree with them 2 heads 4,000  that is 5/-.

            20.       Dec. 30th Tuesday early in the morning we left Lukoja about 2 o'clock we reached the town by name call Agbaga the place we lodged until in the morning  the chief name call Aba-a the house He pointed us to stop we met with a young man was one of Ifa maker before we rech theh door of the then the man took the Ifa and walk out. So we stope in the place a little while I went to the chief with my bible I read 3 Chap St. John's gospel 17  to 18 v. all of those hear me they was glad for this good news Jesus Christ set before us in the gospel.

            21.       31th Wed. about 3 o'cloc we reached a town call Jakura in Bunne The chief manne is call Agogorosi an old man about 60 years of age. I read 10 Chap. the Acts & explain to them on the same

            22.       Jan.1th 1863. Thursday we left Jakura about 12 o'clock we reached a town call Iwowa the chief of the place died four days ago met about 40 men and women they sit down like madness the told us that  country fashin catch them. We weary in our journey with hungry, however we trying to walk out of the place after 2 o'clock we reached a small village which is call Ifure the place we  take  ouor rest with one of our member in the church she met her sister there after she had separated from each other for about 35 years.[one must have been enslaved?] the house all of us lodge for the night toward evening some of them came to us in our lodging place I teach them many things out of the scriptures and they were attentive to hear the word of God.

            23.       Jan 2nd Friday after 6 o'clock in the morning we left the place before 9 on the same we reach the big town call Apara so we lodged  to a man's house named Bagemito a little while he accompanied us to the chief of the town name called Orutomi when the man saw me was very glad to see me in our country again, after he had asked me every things regardd to the white man I told him little I know about it then he was glad that I should return and stage? [stay?] to my own town at once instead of stoped at Gbebe speak the word of much gladness after all I presented him one damaged sheet of which he received it, with gladness and 2 yds of cloth to my landlord Bagemito & one yd to one chief again they recieve it it gladness.

            24.       Jan. 3rd Saturday early in the morning the man sent me 2000 cowries 3 yams and a fowl therefore he praying me that as long am not willing to stop so far as a month then I must stay with him two or three days more of which I willing to spend one sabbath with him because I already read few Cahpters and explain to them those present were about 50 men. He promised to send one or two persons with me to meet Mr. Crowther at Gbebe so I told him to wait until season the ship will come up again then I shall let him know about it.

            25.       Jan. 4thh the Lord's day I thank God we still open our eyes in the land of the living though I catch fever two days back on the way but still I get little better this morning so I have  prepared for the service, after 11 o'clock we open the service the text was 44 Chap. the book of Isaiah and the 6 v. small congregation of which the man had gathered in his  own yard were about 100 men & women besides children and the people paid good attentive to hear the word of God, the time I concluded the service he presented me 400 cowries so I refuse to shew them that I did not preach for the sake only cowries the time I ready to go into our lodging , he shaking my hand heartily that he desire I must stop with him a month or two as long I had much work in hand to do at Gbebe I will not able  delaye so much but if he and his people wish for a teacher then the time Mr. Crowther comes back must send some men to meeting him at Gbebe,

            26.       Jan 5th Monday we left Apara early in the morning ater three o'clock we reached Oke Eki. The chief of Bunnus a ittle while we meet some boys who direct usto the kng place we stapped on the gat[e] So the king ordered to come in. So we walk in, his name call Iteno, so he lodge us one of his house. So he asked my father  I told him. He tell me that one of my fathers his wife she is living with him. Little while she call her when she see me she did not know me again until I call my father's name and mother before she are able to know me at once she crying. When the king her husband had all this she was very glad after all I presented the king 8 yds of cloth of which I received from Mr. Crowther So he received the present with gladness. He also treated us kindly. During all this time reding and explain to him he was willing, and ready to serve God. Still king and his people surrounded me daily with wonder looking upon the Bible in my hand even I told him every things how great things the Lord has done for us that some of us are now return from Sierra Lone with our Bible. So the king wish if I should have opportunity to stope with me [him] altogether at Eki

            27.       Jan. 6th Tuesday early in the morning I had visit to another  town in Eki as soon we going our way then we meeting live sheep robbing [rolling??]come ward and put it on the road for sacrifices When I saw the poor living creature suffering  on the road the man which accompanied me told us that he wish to take it home the king messager said know [no]  so the poor creature left two legs broken

            28.       Jan 7th Wes. early in the morning I paid visit to another town in Eki that was the town of my whole families I found many of them there they began to cryiing for gladness about 12 o'clock I returned to the king place toward evening I informed the king that I shall left following day early in the morning then he presented me 5 heads that is 10.000 of cowries

            29.       8th Jan Thursday early in the morning we started  from Eki after 10'oclock we  reached the town called Isale [Tsale?] the headman by name of Ejo alittle while  the man pointed us a house to stope many people surrounded us so I took my Bible and read 52 Chap the book of Isaiah I begann to explain that all the end of the earth shall see the salvation of our God, then one of the two men I hire to accompany me both were Mahamadans a soldier like they wish not to hear for the preaching of the gospel any where I tell the poor people about this good news then this two men grieved about it.


            30.       Jan 9th Friday early in the morning some of Mahamaden came to see me in my lodging place because our landlord since he saw me then he call some of them to me  if they no [know] any thing about our Bible. So one chief among them came to me I delivered my Bible to him he look at it he did not say a word so the king asked him if he know anything in this book,  He said no from that time the man draw near me as a friend, God has prepared some of us in Sierra Leone to be salvation to each own land because since I reached to my native land again King & chiefs I meet with they was very glad  to see me even my preaching or teaching and the people hearing me a great attentive I pray God that he will send honourable men into field of labour when we look out the past year 1862 we the congregation on the Lord's day who attended on the service 50 to 64 - & 67 daily morning prayer from 40 to 45

            31.       January 10th Saturday early in the morning we started from Tsale after 12 o'clock we  reached a town called Itsuku the place we getting our breakfast about one o'clock then we left the place after 6. on the evening we reached Apara this t own we take our rest for the night and spend four days in the place,

            32        Jan.11th the Lord's day, I prepared the service on the one of the chief's yard after all I put it ouot on account the same chief have bury for his brother who was dead  few days back and many came from direction some of them are drunken and some dancing so there was a great confusion on that day on account of this I could not have service on  that day

            33.       Jan. 12th Monday today I was very sorry to hear about the dead of the king of Gbebe who departed in this life on the 6th of January He has fever very little before I left home. He was very good to us, during we living here after his dead  I learnt that 5 people were killed for his buried [slaves?]

            34.       Jan 13th tuesday early in the morning then we left Apara about 6. On the evening  we returned to Jakurra the place we take our rest  for the night.

            35.       Jan 15th Thursday early in the morning we left the place after 9. we reach a place by the bame call Agbaga

            36.       Jan 16th Friday then we left the Agbaga about 2. we reached Lukoja met Dr. Baikie returned from Kano.

            37.       Jan 17th Saturday we landed at Gbebe met my son sick small poz and all my partners [??] the [??] quite well

            38.       Jan 18th The Lord's day on the morning I preached in the 10 Chap St. Luk and the 17 to 18 ver.  small congregation 52. On the evening Mr. Priddy conducted  the service 41 people present.

            39        Jan 24th Saturday 1863 one of our native sister her house burnt down by fire through animosity because since her join class in our church her country people her relation always mocked her. She did not listen to there (sic) word. On the same night three women besides her left sleeping then fire set on the house and the house had only one door for the time they awaking the fire took the whole of the house her all tings are burnt but God saved this four women after the fire is over then she began to think about the sermon. She hear on the church that God always delivered his people on the following day Sunday morning we hear the trouble all of us went her place an our wives we was sorry for the poor woman. Soo we help her some materials such as sticks. grass and bamboo poles to built her house again our wives  presented her cloth. that is on Monday 26th instant and her country people wondered to see such favour.

            40.       Jan 30th I fell in sickness of small pox and all my children all this time I was in suffering about two weeks I never no myself and the Lord had delivered me out of this bad sickness and my two children I had a great suffering the same time and  the Lord helped me to see this day.

            41.       Jan 29th Mr. Thomas Joseph paid a visit to his hown native land. He also brought us good news. He and his wife started bye early in the morning toward evening they reached a town by name Oro? He said he went to the head man his house and lodged there. On the same evening 12 people came to him. He read 13 Chap the book of Hosea and 9 v. then the head man said to brother Joseph  that though He was Ifa maker still he was very glad  to hear this good news only sorry we far from him if not he will sent his sons in school of cause that they might receive instruct. He ask him again that if white man or any native teacher should come by and bye to built a church there will He like it. the he answered and said of cause. Some things person I never know Before if he get any person to teach him. such and one will be glad. on the following day He left his wife there and gone to town call Aregu toward evening  he reached the place after he has taken rest for two days. He paid visit to the head man of the place. then He tell him that he bring news if him will call his people together t  hear the word. So He commence the message this is was the news he bring.

            42.       Feby 3rd. Early in the morning  they gathered together sent call for him. then He began too address them. In the 16 Chap St. Marks gospel 15 v. and all of them paid good attentive to him. after all said how they like the news they said like it very much. he asked them again  if they will give a place to built church. All of them agreed for a place to built on the Saturday He went  the headman tell him to call his people. then he did  on the same though the man was blind. So he began to address them on the 55 Chap Isaiah and the 6v. after all he asked them again that how they think about the word. then the man said that the word must true if not their son was sold in time of trouble are now return back and has hold Bible in his hand and teach them - on the next day he paid visit to a village call Apata

            43        He went to the Chief of the place and the man was not home and many people round him all of them wondered to see a Bible in his  ahnd. So he teach them in Matt 3 Chap 7.v then he asked them on the same manner how they think about the word. He spoke to them they said though they never hehar so before

            44.       But now they was very glad to hear the word He asked them again if the C.M.S. should come by and bye to built a church will they like it, then they said hope and trust the time may come. So he returnn to Oro. Then he went to the headman's place. When he reached there he told them that he bring a news to them the man asked him  what is the news. So he began to say thus in the 2 Chap Ephes. 17 v. He  asked them that at any time C.M.S. will come to build a church there. If they will agree they said  of cause as long a town of Aregee agree they also agree on the same. So he return back to Aregee. On the following day [went back to] Oro. On the 20th of Feb. he reached our station Gbebe.

            45.       My heart is cheerfully to inform you about our labouring here since we came into this country tryed paid visit to our benighted country men then myself took more part of Eki tribe and they promised to join church.

            46.       May 6th all the elders in the Eki district meet together and sent call me so I went they told me that they want a church to be built in their place so I twll them that we was very glad to hear that but still we have no cowries in hand to do the work they replied only if we will come forward they are willing and ready to help us. So return home and tell my friends then they also are very glad to hear that news on the following day Mr. Joseph and Mr. Priddy follow me to the place. So those elders gave us a piece of ground for building then we return home again, each of us was obliged picking little cowries left in our hands to use we took it and commenced the work.

            47.       May 14th The work commenced to building the small school room for them which contain 24 feet long by 18 feet  wide and  they themselves help us sthree days willingly I humnble say tat two school rooms are now building in our station Gbebe, and when Bassa people saw that they came to us applied for church in their place then we consider if we will trying to do same things there and  therefore no sufficient hands to go and preach there, The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few Pray ye therefore  the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.

            48.       June 5th early this morning a sad news came to us about the death of our sister Fanny Aniki she has been space in sickness more than four weeks since the sickness commenced upon her all of us and all the members in the church  paid her visit always then she fixed her mind to our heavenly father above; During all this time her country people foresake her until her last end on the 5th instant. Fanny Aniki departed in this life in peace and joy, thhe time we had her is death all of us went to the place so I told  them about our Christian buried then the family of the suffering refused. The reason they said  that their forefathers never bury so before that must be by and bye before they will understand such rule so we returned home a little while we reached home they commended her body to the earth, that was about 12 o'clock in the day where her body must remain until the resurrection day.

            49.       June 7th the Lord's day we opened the Eki Church then I preached on the 18 Chapter the Acts 9 to 10. the few congregation present in the meeting paid  good attentive too hear the word of God, in their own language on the same way we had two churches here, I was obliged to preach with two languages, first place preached, Nupe and the second preached with Eki or Bunnu

            50.       June 24th a King from Eki send two men with my sister and some present also of which I received the present with gladness on account he had heard my suffering of small pox and also the death of my daughter and as my sister I had been separated from each other more than 32 years; Indeed was a great joy on that day I found her and also all the inhabitants of Eki. When they considered the great things the Lord has done with us in Sierra Leone that white man let us return to our own land again - regard the death of our native sister Faanny Aniki - during her illness she had a daughter about ten years of age the little girl attend her mother well all this time also her father died about three years ago and the man was a member of the church by this time the child left fatherless and her family living on the town of Eki and so we trying to take care of the child and therefore nothing in our hands.

            51.       April 5th I am very sorry to tell you that my elder daughter had died on Sunday 5th instant 1863. She has fever not more than six days. On the same night she departed in this sinful world she sleeping about 12 o'clock in the night she awaking myself & her mother awaking also. She asked us somethings to eat  her mother trying cook for her she did eat and drink water after all she took water and washed her feets hands and face after she had finished in her washing after one o'clock she fell asleep. The dead of my daughter shaking many people in this town. Even Mahamadans, many of them came  to see me I tell them all this things they themselves believed that she has gone to the Holy place in heaven. On the same Sunday after 8 o'clock in the morning then her body was carried into the school room them Mr. Simon Benson Priddy school master read over her were her body most remain until the resurrection day and many of the native present and seeing the fashion of our Christian buried they wondered to see such fashion our bury

            52.       As regard to the dead of the King Gbebe who died in my absent after I return back I learnt from my partner in the yard that before he ready to depart into this world leave this town to the care of his brother. by name Madaku. Him will see every identical things that will be good in the place and his strangers - also I hear from Okoro one of the elders.

            53.       On the 19th of January, Monday then three days after my returning from Eki myself. Mr. Joseph Mr. Priddy went with small present that is 6.000 cowries and 8 yds of cloth taken with us into Okoro's place one of the elders. Inhabitant this present in order  that he may forwarded before all the elders as to sympathize with them toward the late King's burial. They received the present with gratitude. They toldd us on the same thing. on the same day I hear for myself that the late King had put all things to the charge to this three elders. This inhabitant namely Madaku. Atshadu and Okoro. after they had received the present then began to encourage us that must not be afraid of any things. If any things should happy [happen] to us before that will harm to themselves. Since came to this country we tryed to make ourselves useful among our heather brethren or sisters to whom we dwell with. In the school  room we  trying too puting in good orders and therefore no materials to do the work. at present we was obliged the two school rooms work with Bamboo poles pupits bmboos doors. bamboos inches. bamboo benches. Bamboo chairs. Bamboo alter or transform? the place was now better state than before also we commenced to keep a Sunday school on the 22nd of March 1863.

            57.       July 15th I inform you this lamentable news about the dead of our brother Thomas Joseph He was no more in the workmanship. Indeed he had old complaint in is whole body.

            On Friday the 10th instant the sickness began to grow worse. Saturday, on the 11th was still on the same. Sunday 12th He was able to attend on the church. On Monday the 13th instant, he was on the same weakness. On Tuesday the 14th  the sickness grow worser and worser. After 3 o'clock one of his country men came from Bassas town saw Mr Joseph in a great suffering and the man was his old friend. He had sympathize with brother Joseph to carry him to his house at Bassa. So late Thomas Joseph has consented to follow him them myself Mr. Priddy living in school room writing he sent a boy to call us. Mr. Priddy Mr. Newland both of us went to him. He said that he wish to go with this man to Bassa and a few days please the Lord he got little better he will return back . So we tell him few word that he must remember his profession especially when he went to live with heathen country men. Then Mr. Thomas followed the man and therefore

            55.       Mr. Priddy accompanied him on the road old him that to have peace with God and with men. Then answer him and said God knoweth his heart. If death should meet him on the way he  ready for die On Wednesday  the 15th instant about six o'clock in the morning the [????????????????????????] came  to us that Mr. Joseph was very low [?] myself Mr. Priddy his wife his servant girl and a stranger native women went together. Then myself  Mr. Priddy run before leave his wife and her party behind

            56.       as soon we reached the place owner  of  the house told us that  our Joseph already finished - we went in met his body. I crying and went out. When the time reached the place I learnt  from the man that late brother Joseph told him many words which related to the Holy place in heaven. Then after all we hire some men to bring his body on the mission yard. So those charge us 6.000 cowries that is in English money 7/6 pence of which we paid them 2.600 in cowries that is 3/3 they told us that the short road crossed to a river in the east part of Gbebe call Ebu dead body never pass there unless they  pass another long road and  therefore we must walk by land find canoe to meet them. So we return home and hire canoe meet them to a place call Setaku but [by] 11 o'clock the body reached home toward evening then I read the funeral service over him and our schoolroom crowd by the natives and the body was commended to the grave. Where he must remain until the resurrection day. For the time all people hearing our brother is death then two elders and one prince came sympathized. They also brought a small present with them that is one beautiful sleeping mat  & 400 cowries  also  they asked us the permission the time for bury they will bring many guns to fire. The we refuse they still ask leave too cook large calabash victuals that we might put it in the ground for the dead. So we told them they ot rouble themselves. The one already died need not any food. They said becaude all of us are them strangers if they had a countrry shirt they will bury late Mr. joseph with it so they went their way.

            Be thou faithful unto dead and I  will give thee a crown of life.

            Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth . Yea saith the hSpirit - that they may  rest from his labour and his works do follow him. The righteous perished and no man layeth it to heart and merciful men are taken away none considering that the righteoous is taken away from the evil to come. This is are  the text I preached oon   the following Sunday 19th July 1863. The text I preach was taken in Isaiah 57 Chap. mr. Joseph in is life time anywhere he gone to he never leave his bible behind even last he went to Bassa he went with his bible. The man told me that on the same night Mr. Joseph continue praying in English until early in the morning & reading his bible at last he saw him open his two hands to heaven and gave up the ghost this are the words learnt  from his friend Ayimero a native of Lukoja.

            57.       July 24th our  native brother in Christ named Abraham Ayikuta return from his farm on account he hear the dead Mr. Joseph a little while He call me to follow him to his house. Saw many country fashion rounded on his dwelling then he was grieved about it. The man tell him  to take  it away because he have not to do with country fashion any more. Than true and living God. He said that his father chose all this things why he his n ot home his father put strangers in his house too spoil it with greegree.

So we went out to a new school room built in Eki district the time we  reached the place he kneeled down and prayed in Igbira language & he concluded his prayer with the Lord's prayer   in English being theh first time He saw this school room he was glad too see it. As I think that such man as this will be a great helper to the Church missionary Society by and bye the man learn many languages besides Igara and Igbira. his parents still living in this place.

            The list of the dead from January 1863. This are those  people living in our parts

1. Jany. 6th Harme Abokko King of Gbebe died

2. April 5th my daughter Abigail Thomas died

3. June 5th our native sister Fanny Aniki died

4. July 15th our partner Thomas Joseph died

5. Augus. 3rd our native sister Maria Ayin died


            Maria Ayin she join class on [??]6th of Feby 1859 and she was baptized on the 11th September 1862 by the Rev. S. Crowther.. During all this time she never absent from class unless in the case of sickness. She  was aboout 60 years of age. Her conduct was very good in the Church. the sickness carry her away off no more than a week on the 30th of July Thursday she send a woman to call me I went to her then she told me that in the presence of many people said her the departing is at hand and therefore she had no children neither any child beside me that I must not let her body perish. I must trying bury her good after she had finished. Said thus. she applied for remedy so I give her a spoon of Castoil [castor oil?] She did drink this  [in] her bowel open in space of time . On Sunday the 2nd of August she was not able to attend on the  service  On Monday the 3rd instant after morning prayer over all of us paid her visit. She seemed looking better. We asked her about her mind. She answered thank God for he has spaired to see this morning again. So each of us return into his [???] a little while but 0 o'clock she send a woman to call me. I haste  went there. She still remember me the words she told me last time that she is ready  to remove out of this sinful world. After that she prayed in our language and she said in her prayers that the soul open the door of her heart. She said in her prayers that the Lord give her a new heart. She tell me to [??] her eye so I did when I feel tired I call upon a woman to help me. A little while Mr. Priddy came with four sisters ask her about Jesus. She was not say words so much only she applied her hand to heaven half-past 11 o'clock in the morning she fell asleep.

            Agust 23rd the Lord's day  today Gbebe people return from Bassa for to make  for them peace from eight months ago. Bassas tribes had war among themselves in this war we learnt from Semakogi one of Chief in this town told us that 36 persons were killed and many were wounded on Friday the 20th instant the war were  very strong. So many tribes in this town went to make peace for   them. that is Igbira -- Eki - Nupe gone to Bassa as soon they ready to renew  the war then those tribes reached the place  [???] space of three day the wars were make for them each parties  [???] pay both parties amounting to 16/-6 in English money.

            The  way and the manner they make peace are this they brough water in calabash both two parties washing their hands in the water and therefore  those people went for peace maker both of them  harmed themselves with guns.

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