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9.2 Select Bibliography of Publications related to Local Government and Land Reform in Northern Nigeria (relevant to the aftermath of slavery in the “Metropolitan Districts” around Ilorin, which are populated in large part by descendants of slaves) (alphabetical order by author)
Baum, Edward. “Recent Administrative Reform in Local Government in Northern Nigeria.” Journal of Developing Areas, vol. 7, no. 1 (Oct. 1972): 75‒88.
Bello-Imam, I.B. Local Government Structure in Britain and Nigeria—A Study of Structural Evolution. Ibadan: Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1983.
Campbell, M.J. Law and Practice of Local Government in Northern Nigeria. Lagos: African Universities Press/London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1963.
Cole, C.W. “Village and District Councils in the Northern Provinces of Nigeria.” Journal of African Administration, vol. 3, no. 2 (April 1951): 91‒94.
Francis, Paul. “‘For the Use and Common Benefit of All Nigerians’: Consequences of the 1978 Land Nationalization.” Africa, vol. 54, no. 3 (1984): 5‒28.
James, R.W. Nigerian Land Use Act: Policy and Principles. Ile-Ife: University of Ife Press, 1987.
Ministry for Local Government, Northern Region, Nigeria. “A Review of the State of Development of the Native Authority System in the Northern Region of Nigeria on the 1st of January, 1955.” Journal of African Administration, vol. 7 (April 1955): 77‒86.
Nemetz, Dan. “Plans for Local Government Reform in the Six Northern States.” Nigerian Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 1, no. 2 (May 1970 or 1971?): 104‒113.
Nigeria, Northern Region. Report of the Joint Select Committee of the Northern Regional Council, Development of Local Administration. Kaduna: Government Printer, 1952.
Scoville, O.J. “The Twelve States of Nigeria: Background and Current Issues.” Working Paper no. 9, November 1968. Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development.
Smith, Brian C. “The Evolution of Local Government in Northern Nigeria.” Journal of Administration Overseas, vol. 6 (Jan. 1967): 28-42.
Summerhayes, G.V. “The Changing Relations between the Native Authorities and the New Northern States.” Administration, vol. 3 (April 1969): 207‒220.
On land tenure and local government, see also, in this Archive, Court Records, section 7.3; and Selected Archival and Related Material, section 8.
For a bibliography of government publications on Nigeria, see Government Publications Relating to Nigeria 1862‒1960. Wakefield, UK: EP Microform Ltd., 1975. With introduction by D. C. Dorward, Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham. Part of series: Government Publications Relating to Africa in Microform, General Editor Neville Rubin.