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4.3b(i) Interview with Nafisatu, Ile Eleke, Ilorin, 7 September 1988: Background information
Nafisatu was an elderly potter, who had given me information on pottery during previous interviews. This time she had agreed to talk about dyeing. A question about whether slave women were involved in dyeing led into a discussion of slaves. Part of this interview was tape recorded, but taping had to be stopped, as I remember, when the interviewee withdrew her permission.
For a further interview with Nafisatu, see 4.3j Interviews by Suleiman Ajao with Madam Nafisatu, Ile Eleke, Okelele, Ilorin, Alhaji Saka, Ile Alawo, Okelele, Ilorin, 3 December 1988: Background information and text.
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