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2.1b(i) Book Edited by Ann O’Hear: Letters from Nigeria, 1899‒1900: David Wynford Carnegie. Madison: African Program University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1992. Edited, with new introduction, notes, appendix, and index.

Cover Note

The title page of the original printed work provides the following information:

Letters from Nigeria of The Honourable David Wynford Carnegie F.R.G.S. 1899-2900; with introduction and appendix; privately printed  Brechin: Black & Johnston, Printers and Publishers 1902

The next page of the original printed work provides the following information:

Impression one hundred copies (Not published).

Section 2.1b(ii) contains transcribed material on slavery from Ann O’Hear, “Introduction to the New Edition.”

Section 2.1b(iii) contains transcribed material on or relevant to slavery from the text of the Letters.

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